the greatest to ever do it

about this site

this is a site i've created for a bunch of reasons, mainly as a place to share stuff i wanna share, but also as a side project to keep me busy and to exercise my webdev skills. i started this site on on the 17th of april 2023, and i hope to at least keep it updated for at least a year. on here, (currently under construction) you'll find some of my favourite recipes and me generally talking about food, general blog posts on how my life is going or what kind of media i'm enjoying, and me dumping the various documents i've made and planned to make regarding fighting games and specifically the characters i choose to play in them. i hope you enjoy your time on this website and i hope it's pleasurable on your eyes :) if you have any criticisms or advice, you can let me know by discord or leave a comment in my guestbook.

about me

my name is sky, i'm 20 years old and i live in the rainy south of ireland. i'm nonbinary (my prounouns are they/them) and i'm bi (taken). i'm studying computer science in university at the moment. my hobbies include playing videogames, especially fighting games, listening to music at volumes that are way too loud for my own health, cooking and messing around on my computer. i find it very hard to pick favourites in anything, but a colour i really like is green, a game i really like is pokemon soulsilver and a food i really like is paella. i can speak fluent english, some bit of spanish and i often throw words of irish into sentences where its not really necessary at all to do so. i hope to finally get off my ass and finally get back to learning korean again, and while i'm at it learn the ukulele.